
Sharpening Spiritual Sensitivity Part 1 — Apostle Arome Osayi

Turn your Bible to the book of Numbers. The book of Numbers chapter 11. We'll do a short reading, then we'll take another scripture from the book of John, then we'll begin our journey. We'll do a teaching for a few minutes, 25-30 minutes, then we'll go for practical. We'll do teaching, then we'll do...

joseph Addai kusi

The Reason Humility is Very Necessary | Joseph Addai Kusi

Today, I want to share with you why humility is important. First of all, we have to ask ourselves what humility is. And there are many views about what humility is. Sometimes you find somebody who is confident and assertive and people automatically say he's proud, he is arrogant, and there are people too who...

the law of honor

The Law of Honor: The Most Important Law Affecting Everything in Your Life – Joseph Addai Kusi

There is a link between wisdom, honor, and favor. Now, throughout the entire scripture, the Bible, everything God tells us to do has something to do with honor. There are 10 commandments. Four of them are about honoring God and four of them are about honoring men. Now any good thing you're gonna see, your...